Ten cryptocurrencies you should know
Cryptocurrencies are the hottest commodity in the market. However, not all coins are equal. There is cryptocurrency worth mining, while there are coins made as part of a pyramid scheme. Therefore, the altcoin market caps varies widely. That is why it is worth differentiating the contenders from the pretenders. At the end of the day, the value of any cryptocurrency depends on the price assigned by its audience. Before you read the list of the top cryptocurrencies available, remember that coins, like any other asset, is an investment. Investment is subject to market changes, so there is no such thing a risk-free investment.
This crypto coins list was taken from data on the market ranks by CoinDesk and CryptoInsider. Furthermore, this data is accurate as of June 2017 and numbers are set in hundreds of dollars. Here is the top ten list of cryptocurrencies:
Monero is the currency for those seeking for privacy. The coin is known to use Ring signature technology and offers an incredible level of privacy. This altcoin market cap is $670,274,005.
Bitshares is more than a coin. It is a system built to be fast, and efficient enough to handle tens of thousand of transactions seamless. Moreover, BitShares is made to be fully autonomous regarding the funding of their workers. Bitshares market cap sits at $682,009,491.
IOTA is seen as the distributed ledger of the future. Created in 2014, IOTA coin looks to become the backbone of the “Internet of Things.” as explained on its site. The technology looks promising, and possess a market cap of $1,187,117,927.
Dash, which is short for Digital Cash, is a cryptocurrency with a strong focus on both privacy and speed using anonymization technology. Dash is known to be fast and efficient, with its digital currency value at $1,312,798,864.
NEM is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency designed for the Asian market. The blockchain platform and currency launched on March 31, 2015. Currently, the NEM blockchain software is part of Mijin. The altcoin market cap is $1,511,307,000.
One of the two Ethereum, this version represents the group of people that disagree with the idea that majority rules when it comes to decisions that affect the blockchain. In effect, the classic represents part of what is left after the collapse of The DAO. The altcoin value is $1,763,813,764.
The first alternative to Bitcoin, Litecoin was launched in October 2011 by Charles Lee. It works closely the same as Bitcoin does, and has enjoyed a recent resurgent. The crypto value is $2,150,558,253.
Ripple is a real-time currency exchange and remittance network. The coin and system were released in 2012. The system enjoyed moderate success as few banks have adopted its system. It has a market cap $10,298,124,124 and is one of the best currencies to invest.
The biggest challenger to Bitcoin, Ethereum is the decentralised platform that can perform peer to peer contacts. Created by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum has seen exponential growth recently. It is the best digital currency to mine besides Bitcoin. It currently has a market cap of $28,802,676,037.
Bitcoin was the best currency to invest in 2016 and it is the best one to buy in 2017 as well. Created by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is the largest coin in the word. With a market cap of $42,078,985,578, it is still the currency worth mining.