Things to know about shooting games
Creating a solid first-person shooter is not as routine as one might think. Creating a solid first-person shooter with the realism factor ratcheted up to 10 can be even more difficult. Creating a solid first-person shooter with the realism factor at 10 and making it popular with the console gaming crowd can be downright impossible. Ghost Recon, as well as other series emblazoned with the Tom Clancy license, have a dedicated and massive following on the PC, and Microsoft would love to see these games transition well to the console gaming crowd. How does Microsoft make this happen? Get a publisher and developer on the project that can slam dunk it, and kick the license into the stratosphere.
If garnering a console gamer following, while at the same time staying true to the fans of the original game is your goal, what better way to accomplish this than to bring the original developer, Red Storm Entertainment, into the games development? Couple Red Storms talent for delivering top shelf first-person shooters with Ubisofts publishing prowess and you should have a winner, or at least a game that will be able to contend with the crowd. Can we say in this case Mission Accomplished? Lets find out!
You have to hand it to Tom Clancy. He can weave a story that is gripping, heart pounding and timely, all with the keyboard on his computer. Not only has he done this with his fictional novels, he has also magically inserted this same feel into the video games that brandish his name. Red Storm has ripped a page right from Tom Clancys book, and inserted it directly into this game. The year is 2008 and the world is in crisis. A group of radical, Russian purists feel that the Iron Curtain should have never fallen, and the Cold War should have continued. As a result, this group is attempting to regain control of several former Soviet states, such as the Republics of Georgia, Lativa and Estonia, and as you can guess they dont just plan on asking nicely.
Luckily, the United States has a cure for what ails you, and its the elite Special Forces unit of Ghost Recon. Over the course of 15 missions, you will command your team and attempt to eliminate the right wing nationalists, hell bent on a reformed Soviet state. The missions provide a wide variety of objectives, with usually 3 primary ones to tackle and a secondary mission thrown in for good measure. If you successfully complete the secondary mission objective, this will unlock a specialist you can use within the compliment of your team for future missions. The mission briefings themselves are extremely important and should be reviewed in full. If not, you could find yourself in the middle of the wilderness or war ravaged town, without a clue of what to do or where to go next.